About Me

Hi, my name is Alexander. Most folks know me as partylikeits1983 online.

I am a software engineer, whitehat hacker, and blockchain researcher. I particularly like working on finance related blockchain projects, and as a result have received grants from 1inch and Aave. For my whitehat hacking efforts, I have recieved bug bounty payouts from Immunefi.

I'm passionate about many creative pursuits, including videography, music, language learning, and of course, coding.

I am originally from Knoxville, Tennessee, however, after highschool in 2017, I decided to move to Moscow, Russia to pursue my bachelor's degree in international relations at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

Currently I am working on a project that allows users to long or short any asset with up to 5x leverage on any EVM compatible blockchain.